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Ibis; Ex Novis Codicibus Edidit, Scholia Vetera Commentarium Cum Prolegomenis Appendice Indi... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781172603527 List Price: $30.75
Fasti, Book I; by Riley, Henry T. 1816-1878, ... ISBN: 9781178639162 List Price: $17.75
Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles, Ibis and Halieuticon of Ovid Literally Translated into Engl... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781178639940 List Price: $41.75
Fourteenth Book of the Metamorphoses, with Introd and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781178691238 List Price: $22.75
Metamorphoses : In fifteen Books by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781179243511 List Price: $44.75
Opera Omnia; Ex Editione Burmanniana Cum Notis et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini, Variis L... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781179805207 List Price: $43.75
Ovid's Metamorphoses by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781376116717 List Price: $18.95
Ovid's Metamorphoses, in Fifteen Books; Volume 1 by 43 B C -17 or 18 a D Ovid, ... ISBN: 9780343269159 List Price: $26.95
Amorum Libri Tres Erklärt Von Paul Brandt by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781172269495 List Price: $26.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245048569 List Price: $39.75
P Ovidi Nasonis Elegiac by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245047777 List Price: $17.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Heroides, Epist, V , Xiii : With introduction and Notes by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781245045858 List Price: $21.75
P Oviddii Nasonis Carmina Select : Selections from Ovid, Chosen to Meet the New Requirements... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245045414 List Price: $24.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245054751 List Price: $42.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245053358 List Price: $23.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245049993 List Price: $41.75
P Ovidii Nasonis Oper : E textu Burmanni by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245055734 List Price: $39.75
Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses with Introd and Notes by Charles Haines Keene by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245204507 List Price: $22.75
Thirteenth Book of the Metamorphoses by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245204743 List Price: $21.75
Three First Bookes of Ovid de Tristibus by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781245215473 List Price: $17.75
Ponticas; Ou, Cartas Escriptas Do Ponto Xenio by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781246026245 List Price: $25.75
Metamorphoseon Xiii, Xiv; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781246085235 List Price: $30.75
Opera Omnia; Ex Editione Burmanniana Cum Notis et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini, Variis L... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781246100167 List Price: $40.75
Decerpta Ex Metamorphoseon Libris; by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A.... ISBN: 9781246139556 List Price: $31.75
Encyclopaedia Philanthropica Ovidii Nasonis; Selectis Ex Omni Genere Lectu Vel Utilioribus V... by Ovid, 43 B. C. -17 Or 18 A. D ISBN: 9781246163346 List Price: $30.75
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